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Marketing in real time

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Marketing in real time

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Proximity marketing, in an era characterized by the great development of mobile applications, is becoming more widespread. It is a marketing technique that is based on communication technologies that spread in a given territory. Moreover, analyzing the term proximity we immediately realize that we are dealing with a technique that uses the proximity of users to the point of dissemination, which is nothing more than the point of sale. The aim is always to promote the sale of goods or services. What changes is the means. In fact, in a marketing campaign of this kind it becomes difficult to define the target audience in a certain way. Much easier to identify an area that is equipped with advanced communication technologies that can bring people together. Through Bluetooth 4.0 technology, the company can send you information that you can view in real time, so the moment you are visiting the store. Through a specific application, the company could implement digital communication strategies aimed at attracting your attention. For example, when you enter a store you may be forwarded with a welcome message or you may be informed about special promotions and discounts. In doing so, your attention to the services or products of the company is bound to grow as you will be directly contacted on your mobile phone, accessing privately the content conveyed.


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