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Beekon at the Fuksas Cloud: innovation runs at the Formula E Grand Prix

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On Saturday April 14th, on the occasion of the seventh stage of the Formula E Grand Prix, the event that this year will see the fastest electric race cars darting through the streets of Rome’s EUR district, Beekon arrives at the Fuksas Cloud to present the solutions and the tools that will redesign the near future.

Entrepreneurial and sporting realities always interested in innovation and sustainability come together for a fruitful collaboration that, without forgetting the passion for speed and engines, looks with interest and curiosity to the future. This is why Allianz, from this year sponsor of the FIA ​​Formula E Championship, together with other major partners such as VISA, the bank Julius Bär, the Champagne Mumm, DHL, TAG Heuer, Charge, ENEL and Qualcomm, decided to host an Explorer & Start up Zone inside its E-Village, at Nuvola di Fuksas, where it will be possible to discover the most interesting digital solutions and technologies that will redesign the face of our cities in the coming years, making them more connected, innovative , sustainable.

Inside the Fuksas Cloud will be set up the E-Village of Allianz: it is a unique opportunity for fans of Formula E because they will know the drivers who will compete in the roads of the EUR and meet them to snatch an autograph before the competition. The competition, however, starts with the gaming zone: the fans, in fact, will be able to compete with their heroes in virtual reality and visit an area that will host the latest and most innovative models of electric and hybrid cars. Among the many initiatives that will take place inside the Nuvola there will also be live music shows and food stands.

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Beekon at the Nuvola di Fuksas: an appointment with innovation

If your passion is the new technologies and the digital area that Saturday April 14th you can not do without visiting the Allianz Explorer & Start up Zone set up inside the Allianz E-Village.
On the initiative of Lazio Innova, the subsidiary company of the Lazio Region that promotes entrepreneurial development and innovative start-ups in the metropolitan area of ​​the Capital and on the regional territory, Hendo will be present with a stand inside the Start up Zone, the area where the most recent digital technologies will be presented, such as the Beacons, 3D printing, drones and virtual reality.

It is an opportunity that you can not miss to know Beekon, a tool that can make your events simpler and more effective and effectively involve your customers and your audience.
In the space reserved for the innovative start-ups of Lazio Innova’s ecosystem, our professionals are waiting for you to discover Beekon, a hardware device, an app and a software that, thanks to the beacons technology and Bluetooth, allow you to be more and more at any time close to your customers and your guests. We are waiting for you at our stand to present you a very simple device to install, a hardware that you can configure from your mobile phone and that will allow you to interact with the people you care about most; you can download and use the App that allows your customers to check in quickly and safely to any event you organize and you can touch the software that lets you know their behavior and send them, at any time, a new invitation , a discount coupon or a brochure to advertise a new product or service.

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Discover Beekon, the solution that puts proximity marketing in your hands!

We are waiting for you at the Start up Zone of the Allianz E-Village, on April 14th, at the Rome Convention Center La Nuvola, in Viale Asia 40, EUR district.


Beekon alla Nuvola di Fuksas per il Gran Prix di Formula E
Roma Convention Center La Nuvola , Viale Asia 40,EUR, Roma,Lazio -00144
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In breve
Sabato 14 Aprile, al Roma Convention Center La Nuvola, al quartiere EUR, in occasione della tappa romana del Gran Prix di Formula E, Hendo ti aspetta per presentarti tutte le opportunità che la soluzione Beekon ti offre per rendere i tuoi eventi più semplici ed efficaci.

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